Naturopathic Health Clinic &
Herbal Apothecary
Do you lack the energy and vitality you once had?
Have you tried everything and found that 'nothing works'?
Then maybe Jen can help!
Jen is a professional, dedicated and compassionate Herbalist, with experience in treating a range of health conditions in men, women and children from all walks of life. Jen firmly believes in the ability of herbs and nutrition to help restore balance within the body and bring about an improved state of health.
Herbal medicine is one of the oldest and most widely used systems of medicine in the world and is increasingly being validated by science. Jen applies a unique approach integrating traditional Western herbal medicine knowledge with modern evidence-based herbal medicines. She evaluates your health concerns as a whole, rather than simply a 'pill-for-an-ill".
Herbal medicines are remedies made exclusively from plants in the form of tinctures, extracts, tablets, capsules, teas, foods and topical applications. Jen uses only high quality, herbal products that have undergone minimal processing procedures to ensure the benefits of the whole plant profile.
"All that man needs for health and healing has been provided in nature..." Paracelsus

Contact Us
PO Box 145
Bridgetown, Western Australia
Tel: 0428 946 602
Naturopathic Health Consultations
Herbal Medicine
Naturopathic Nutrition
Herbal Dispensary
Herbal Tea Blends
Bespoke Herbal Products
Workshops / Public Presentations